State Formation, Nationalism and Conflict
Introduction to theories of state formation, nationalism and post-nationalist processes. The seminar focuses on how these macro-historical processes have been conceptualized and evaluated in both the qualitative and quantitative empirical literature.
When? Autumn Term 2020. Each Wednesday. 10:00–12:00 AM.
Where? Room RZ F21.
Prof. Dr. Lars-Erik Cederman
International Conflict Research
ETH Zürich
Haldeneggsteig 4 IFW D 49.2
8092 Zürich
cederman AT (replace AT with @)
Yannick Pengl
International Conflict Research
ETH Zürich
Haldeneggsteig 4 IFW D 45.2
8092 Zürich
Email: yannick.pengl (AT) (replace AT with @)